Me and My Life

Pictures of Me
Me & My Friends
Me and Aaron
Pictures of Aaron
My Family
My Friends
My Kiddo's
My Pen-Pal Buddies
Contact Me

HoOk Em' HoRnS

Howdy! Here is a site that I put together of me and the things that are important to me. My friends, Aaron, My Puppy and my Family. I'm still working on it a little bit, but I'm pretty much done for now, but there will ALWAYS be additions, so keep checkin' up.

Just a lil about me ... I am 20 and I live in Grand Prairie, Tx. I've only lived here for about 4 years. I moved here from Plano, Texas where I lived all my life. I graduated from South Grand Prairie High School. Right now I attend ghetto Mountain View College (aka Harvard on the Hill) where I will recieve my Associate in Sciences Degree in Childhood Development/Early Childhood Education (Pre-K through Grade 4). After that or maybe even before that I will be HOPEFULLY *Crossing Fingers* transfering to the University of Texas (at Austin) in a few years. HoOk Em' HoRnS!


Yes this would be OUR president George W. Bush holding up the Longhorns symbol at his innagural address :)

Hey guys thank you for visiting my site, hope you liked it (I know it's not much) and hope you come back!

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